How safe is the money transactions when we put through our order in an online shop.
Any digital transaction that involves financial or non-financial data always depend on "Encryption" method.
This encryption makes your online transaction a"Secure service", It refers to a process of converting the given data sequence which is probably meaningful , into something that conveys no meaning , with the help of an encoding algorithm (a process or set of rules to be followed by the computer in calculations or other problem-solving operations) .In other words, your data are first ciphered (meaningless data) at one end (usually at your end)and deciphered again to the original and meaningful information at the receiving end.
The science relating to this data encryption is known as Cryptography which is a hot topic among the scholars and businesses as well. This science comes up with the new encryption codes to safeguard the online data from any attack of hacking or fraud. As of date, the most secure 128 bit code is used by many online systems. Even if this to be broken down, the experts say it would take more of energy, time and money which nobody will attempt.
Further, the data provided as email and money paying cards like debit or credit cards are held by the receiving systems only for the period of transactions and they wouldn't be valid for a long period.Even otherwise, you are provided with modified data through the issue of new cards and passwords when your old cards expire. Alternatively you can change the passwords after every transaction.
In addition , you can make use of the most trusted and safest online payment options as given below.
1. Paypal - The favorite middleman in the internet market. This works by pairing your email id with the account information provided by you at the time of sign up.Without having an active bank account and Income tax Identity details , you cannot enroll at Paypal.
2. Debit or Credit cards having MasterCard or Visa affiliations.
3. Net Banking.
4. Mobile banking.
Whatever be the payment methods used, you can be safe by having a discipline
1) To update your systems with latest software and
2) To change the passwords frequently ( you can have a log for this also)
3) To use only the trusted websites.
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