Sell Online

You can sell the New and old goods(second hand) at any online shop.

Selling the old goods is pretty easy: because the process involved is simple and easy. Just go to a Free or Paid classified Ad sites and upload the details of the goods you want to sell. Some sites require registration before placing an Ad to sell your old goods. The interested person after viewing the ad with your contact details will ring up or write to you for making a deal. The Free Ad site doesn't charge anything but they advertise that you can opt for a paid service to get a faster and efficient deal for the goods sold by you.

Sale of New goods and services always requires an elaborate procedure. There are two options here.
You can have your own website to sell. Or hire the services of the established and popular sites to sell your products. The latter method is generally preferred as it's cheaper and involves less effort from your side.

The popular sites where you can sell your goods are,

If you opt for having your own website, provides the ready made or customized  web hosting services.

Points to keep in mind for getting a good deal are:
1. Transparent information is to be provided by giving the proper description of the goods and the price.
2. Security and reliability of the data given by the buyers should be maintained.
3. Return and refund policy can be included.

The above will enhance your brand and market image which will yield more revenue in the long term and life to your business.

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